This is a box with 17 different items in it. Many are journals. Some are just stuff. Most of this was created when I first started to paint and create “art.” I was a a crossroads in my professional career having just lost a corporate job. I think I realized that probably I would not work another corporate gig again. For I was not willing to “play it by the numbers.” I believe many corporations reward those who are willing to be a cog in the machine. Do what you are told. That is fine for some. But I believe it is not good for me. I challenge the status quo too much.
Most of these are from 2007-2010.

Side view of box

Top view of box

Everything in the box
1… Transition Trilogy (JUN09-OCT09)- a series of three journals that defined my transition.

1. Transition – Front cover

1. Transition – Back cover
2… Thoughts (DEC07-JAN08)– one of my favorite sketch books. I leaned on The Prophet but also inputs like Mousetrap and various books. I have a lot of spreads for this so there is a separate post for it.But for here I am showing the cover and opening page.

2. Thoughts – front cover
3… The Art Show is Smoking… (SEP09-NOV09) – a book that I also like. It has a lot of sketches. Some of my favorites. The cover is from the sketchbook – I should paint over it. But I didn’t. So it is one of the few journals that I didn’t alter the cover.

3. Art Show – front cover

3. Art Show – interior

3. Art Show – interior

4. Yellow Enso – front cover
4… Yellow Enso (MAY09-AUG09) – this is a spiral-bound book. It is unfinished. Why it is important is I give some of the backstory behind the “Series of 8″ set of paintings. I also discuss the ‘Advisory Board” and another set of paintings (that also are on the wall – name tk). These paintings are listed separately on this site. They also have been on the wall in the basement for years. This is not the only piece that has explanations. But it has some.