Starting to read articles about BLACK FRIDAY plans of the retailers. The day after Thanksgiving where the retailers tease and manipulate consumer behavior. Get here at 7 AM and get a DVD player for $10! Trample over people to save a few bucks. It really brings out the worse it people. But it drives sales. It is the un-official kickoff for the make or break time of the year.
All the reporters and pundits will predict the entire Holiday season with just data from BLACK FRIDAY.
But that didn’t work for on-line retailers. So CYBER MONDAY was created. I don’t know if people look at this day as the one to shop on. I think originally it was on Monday because most had high-speed connections at work but not at home.
This year, because of the massive amounts of iPads; Kindles; Nooks and other eReading devices that will be sold. Everyone from Wal-Mart to Best Buy to Brookstone are selling eReaders. So what will happen on DEC 25th when all of these new toys are opened? People will buy an ebook or two.
I predict that DEC 25 will be one of the biggest single days for eBook sales. Traditionally DEC 25 is not a good day for retailers. It will be different in eBooks this year.