Transition Trilogy (JUN 09-OCT 09) – a series of three journals. Mostly written out and in phases. Phase 1 (Adrianna’s book) June-July 2009; Phase 2 (Noah’s book) July-August 2009; and Phase 3 (Madeline’s book)August-October 2009. Because these were completed before Emma was born, I didn’t name a book after her. The names are just that, nothing to do with the content. But these three journals depict my journey to figuring out what to do next. How to cope with the changes of no longer being at a corporation and what was I going to do next. What was my life to become. I was 47. Through these journals I figured out my next phase starting with consulting; doing more of what I wanted to do; my art started as I stopped caring what others thought of it and of me. I had freed myself and stopped being so afraid of life. I was willing to show people more of the real me. Internal shots below — plus the loose papers storyboard my website.

Loose Pages – Storyboard

Back cover

Three Volumes

Front cover