Although the Academy seldom rewards actors for starring roles in blockbuster movies, it would be refreshing if they gave the Best Actor Oscar to Harrison Ford.
I enjoy STAR WARS, but am not a rabid fan engrossed by the enormity of it. Ford’s portrayal of Han Solo in STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS was the best performance of the year.
Generally the Best Actor award goes to a role as a historical figure (Lincoln, Idi Amin, Ray Charles, Truman Capote, Harvey Milk, King George VI, Stephen Hawking) or a character that overcomes some major obstacle. But this year, why not give it to an amazing performance in the creation of one of the greatest characters in all of movie history?
A few reasons:
- His role was pivotal in the movie. Without Harrison Ford’s Han Solo, there is no movie. He had the most important role in the biggest movie of all time.
- Ford brilliantly reprised one of his signature roles nearly 40 years later and didn’t miss a beat. How many actors can reprise a role nearly four decades later and maintain the essence of the role?
- STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS is the biggest movie of all time. It deserves more than just technical and special effects Oscars.
- Ford has only been nominated once (for WITNESS) although he has been in numerous great roles. He has been ignored way too often by the Academy. It is time to right this injustice.
- Ford is in his 70s, he deserves the Oscar for a lifetime of achievement. Many actors win in a way that represents an entire body of work.
- Han Solo is one of the greatest heroes of all time in any medium — movies, books, music, tv shows etc. Ford took what was on the page and made it one of his signature roles. He created an amazing character and for that he deserves to win.
Harrison Ford deserves not only to be nominated, but he deserves to win.